Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is the relation between mood and eye color?

I have blue eyes. what shades do they turn during what moods? please include a link to a site if possible. thank you.What is the relation between mood and eye color?
It has more to do with the things around you reflecting light in different ways. I have hazel eyes, but if I cry they turn blue... the tears reflect the light in a different way plus the red brings out the blues in my eyes. Sometimes they are green, mostly when i am outside. So in turn your eyes do not really change colors the light is reflected differently.

Also I am sure you have heard the phrase ';WOW that blue shirt(or other apparel) really brings out the color in your eyes!';

Think about it, if you have 3 sheets of paper, one blue one red and one brown and you add one sheet of blue to the three the blue will stand out more... same effect in your eyes... most eye colors consist of more then one pigment... streaks as they appear in my eyes. When you ware a color that is similar to a color in your eyes it will bring that one color out more then the others. Can also work in contrasting colors... like when my eyes get bloodshot from crying it contrasts the blue making them seem more blue along with the light reflection.What is the relation between mood and eye color?
There is no relationship between mood and eye color. You are not a Mood Ring.

By the way, man, we only have to give you a thumbs-down to keep your answer from being displayed.
Well dude, I can't say what yours do but mine go from hazel brown to grey to blue/green. Seriously, people don't believe me when I say but everyone that knows me can see it for themselves.

There usually blue when I'm happy, grey when I'm concentrating or working underwater, (not how they look down there, when I surface)

Brown when I'm not feeling anything, funnie though I just looked an theres two different colours in each eyes, amber round the pupil then deep blue around that.

Weird huh.
Yeh I have grey eyes but when I have been drinking or am very happy they go blue but when I have been crying they are green
There is no link. You watch too much tv.
Your eyes don't change color or shades with different moods duh.
eyes dont change colors ithout contacts

just so you know
Your eye color is determined by genetics, and has nothing to do with moods.
i don't know if mood effects eye color... but i can deffinately tell how you feel by looking in your eyes.
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